Marshall Brown - June 4, 2023

The Reluctant Prophet

Many of us to feel guilty or feel like there's some flaw in our faith when we are reluctant to do something that we sense God is putting on our hearts to do. Is it wrong for me to feel cautious about following God's plan for my life? How do I overcome my apprehension when I feel like God is calling me to do something I'm not really excited about doing?

Scripture References: Hebrews 12:1, Matthew 26:42, Matthew 26:39, Jeremiah 20:14, Jeremiah 20:7, John 10:3, Jeremiah 15:18, Jeremiah 17:7-8

From Series: "Flawed: God's Imperfect Followers"

We often look at characters in the Bible, especially the ones we label “Bible heroes,” as almost perfect people. We assume they all had unshakeable faith and very few if any character flaws. The reality is that many of the people we read about in scripture were far from perfect. They made mistakes. They doubted. They got things wrong. And yet, despite their flaws God used them to do incredible things. Who are some of these imperfect followers of God? And what can their stories teach us about our own potential to be used by God in powerful ways?

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