Sam Westbrook - September 29, 2024

Storm Proof: Storm Proofing My Relationships

No human relationship is completely perfect and without problems. Whether it's a marriage, a friendship, or a dating relationship, there will inevitably be issues to deal with - conflict, miscommunication, misunderstanding, etc. What might even start as a small issue can blow up quickly into an all out storm. But what if I could prepare for these negative encounters ahead of time? How can I go about storm proofing my relationships before the situation even happens?

Scripture References: Colossians 3:12-14, Proverbs 13:20, Mark 5:1-5, Ecclesiastes 4:12

From Series: "Storm Proof: Preparing for Life's Storms"

In the same way that rainstorms can often pop up without warning, storms can also pop up unexpectedly in our daily lives too – health issues, broken friendships, job changes, marriage difficulties. We may see a few warning signs that something is about to go wrong, but we don’t always realize how bad things are going to get until we’re in the middle of the storm itself. Join us this fall at Flagstone as we discover how to stormproof our lives and our faith so that we can be better prepared for the storms that come our way.

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