Mahatma Ghandhi once said, "What a man thinks, he becomes." While Ghandi was a very wise individual, he's not the first to recognize the power our minds have. Scripture tells us multiple times how important it is to make sure our minds are pure, because it's our minds that end up dictating our actions. So what are the things that pollute my mind and make it impure? And how do I clean the clutter out of my mind?
Sometimes we need a physical detox – a cleaning out of toxins and contaminants that are causing us to be physically unhealthy. Many of us may also find ourselves in need of a “spiritual detox.” We’ve allowed habits or addictions or attitudes or relationships to contaminate our heart and pollute our relationship with God. What does a spiritual detox look like? How do I identify the things that might be poisoning my soul? And how do I begin to actively clean out the things that are corrupting my faith and corroding my connection with God?