Marshall Brown - January 15, 2023

No Excuses with My Family

Whether it's my relationship with my spouse, my kids, my parents, or my siblings, there are times when that relationship is strained, hurting, maybe even broken. For many of us, instead of trying to address whatever the issue might be and trying to find healing, we simply make excuses for why that relationship might be dysfunctional without actually choosing to do anything about it. But what would it look like if I made a conscious effort to mend that broken connection and make it stronger? And what would it take for me to stop making excuses and start being a blessing to my family?

Scripture References: Ephesians 5:21, Colossians 3:13, Romans 12:10, 1 Timothy 5:8, 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

From Series: "No Excuses"

Most of us know the frustration of setting goals for ourselves in different aspects of our lives and then failing to stay committed to achieving those goals. Often we find a variety of excuses to justify why we fall short of what we set out to accomplish. What if, instead of making excuses, I chose to follow through on the things I know I need to do? What would happen if I kept trying again instead of giving up when things got tough? As I begin a new year, it may be time to recognize the things in my life that need to be different, and it may be time for me to fully commit to those changes - no excuses!

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