I’m New to Flagstone
What’s worship like?
We know this may be your first time at church…or your first time in a long time. We want you to feel comfortable and to get to know our family a little better while you are with us. We are not here to talk down to you, pressure you or make you feel guilty. In our Sunday morning service, we’ll sing some contemporary songs mixed in with a few familiar ones, and we’ll sing them a cappella. If you have never experienced a worship service without instrumental music, you may want try it out! We also participate in communion every Sunday. We’ll distribute crackers and grape juice at a certain part of the service after a prayer, and we’ll remember the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross and what that means for all of us. If you are not familiar with taking communion, you are certainly not going to be pressured to partake. You’ll hear a message from our minister Marshall Brown or maybe a guest speaker, and we’ll sprinkle in a couple more songs and that’s it!

What do I wear?
Be as comfortable as you would like. Some people prefer to dress up a little more on Sunday mornings, which is fine. Some people also feel more comfortable in jeans and a T-shirt, which is also fine. Be assured, no matter what you wear, there will be some people dressed similarly.
Do I bring a Bible?
Although most of our scripture readings from the Bible are on screen during morning worship, we encourage you to bring your own. We also encourage people to feel free to use their Bible apps on phones and tablets. It is helpful for you have a Bible to read daily – whether hard copy or digital doesn’t matter. If you don’t have a Bible, please let one of our staff or greeters know, and we will give you one to keep. They can also help you download a Bible app on your device.

What about my kids?
We love kids at Flagstone, and we love teaching them! Children are welcome to stay with their parents in the adult worship service, but we also offer classes and activities for 3rd grade and younger during worship time so they can learn and worship in a kid-friendly environment. We have a fully staffed nursery available for babies and toddlers as well. Our awesome volunteers at the kid’s check-in area will help you securely check in your kids and take them where they need to be.
Will I be asked to participate in the offering?