Marshall Brown - March 24, 2024

Transforming My Short-Sighted Spending into Eternal Investments

When it comes to investing financially, those who are unwilling to make long-term investments are often either worried about the risk involved or are too impatient to wait for their investment to produce results. But what about spiritual investments? What about investing in my relationship with God or investing my time, my energy, maybe even my stuff so that someone else can be blessed? When I can't see immediate results, is it worth it to invest in others? Is it worth it to invest time and effort into my relationship with God?

Scripture References: Matthew 6:19-20, Romans 12:2, Galatians 6:9, Hebrews 10:35, 1 Timothy 6:18-19, 1 Timothy 6:17

From Series: "Making Change"

My relationship with money can be complicated. Money can be the thing I work hardest to acquire yet complain about the most. It has potential to help me accomplish wonderful things, and it has potential to consume every aspect of my life. I’m called to trust God with my money, but I often end up trusting money to be my god. But what if I shifted my view of money and changed my relationship with it? Could transforming my relationship with money actually transform other parts of my life as well? Let’s find out together!

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