Marshall Brown - December 3, 2023

Flagstone Live | The Mess We Created

In spite of all of our best intentions during the Christmas season, Christmas can have often have its share of messes. Some of the problems we have to deal with are the result of other people's choices and actions. What can be even more frustrating are the messes we create on our own. This Christmas we need to recognize that we have some difficult situations in our lives that in all honesty we have brought on ourselves. But we can also acknowledge and celebrate the fact that we have a Savior who came to walk into our messes and rescue us from them.

Scripture References: Hebrews 4:13, Luke 2:6-7, Genesis 3:6, Genesis 1:27, Colossians 1:13-14, Matthew 8:3

From Series: "Messy Christmas"

We often have lofty expectations when it comes to Christmas - perfect decorations, fun parties and celebrations, just the right gift for that friend or family member. The reality is that our Christmases are often messy - travel plans don't work out, the gift that was delivered isn't the one we ordered, family isn't getting along, kids are sick or acting crazy...or both! Something that is supposed to be beautiful and peaceful ends up being ugly and chaotic and...messy. This Christmas we want to discover or (re-discover) the amazing story of the perfect Baby that was born into our imperfect world, the perfect Savior that came to rescue us from the messes we get ourselves into. We invite you to join us as we invite Him into our mess!

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