Marshall Brown - June 9, 2024

Finding Freedom in Forgiving Others

"Forgive and forget." How often have we heard that sentiment? How often have we said that to someone else? Maybe the tougher question - how often have we actually practiced that? There are lots of us who try to convince others or even ourselves that true forgiveness also means forgetting whatever caused the hurt. But usually the hurt caused by others is quite painful; it leaves a scar; it becomes difficult, maybe even impossible, to forget. So how what does it really mean to forgive others? And how can forgiving someone else for what they did to me actually set me free?

Scripture References: 1 Corinthians 13:6, Romans 12:17, Galatians 5:1, Colossians 3:13, Ephesians 4:31, 2 Corinthians 5:16, Matthew 5:44

From Series: "Embracing Grace"

A recent survey revealed that 62% of Americans believe they need more forgiveness in their personal lives. Forgiveness is something we seem to value, and yet it's something we sometimes not only struggle to offer to others but struggle to accept for ourselves. We say grace and forgiveness are important, but we aren't always consistent in forgiving others or living like we've experienced grace ourselves. Why do we miss out on the freedom that comes from being forgiven? And how we can get better at living in the grace we have received?

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